Little did I know that in reading the phenomenal book “Switch” to end the year, the term and philosophy would so closely apply to my professional life.
I’m excited to announce that I have accepted the role of Vice President with Spyder Trap Online Marketing of Minneapolis.

Without writing a novel, I have some important ground to cover. First is the respect I have for the incredible company, partners, staff and clients I leave behind at Five Technology.
These people individually and collectively have helped make me successful from many aspects. In helping launch Five 3 years ago until now, I have developed my skill set and talents, further than in any other timeframe of my career. It’s without a doubt Five’s level of web work will continue to rise without me. I’m truly thankful for the last 3 years.
My new position with Spyder Trap is an amazing new adventure to help build on the budding agency that President Mike Rynchek created. When analyzing this decision (not sleeping for 2 weeks), it became clear to me that joining the team, talent and culture at Spyder Trap was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.
I’m excited to bring my web design, web development, e-commerce and search marketing expertise to the team and Spyder Trap’s clients. This move also allows me to further my specific interests in mobile, apps and social media to name a few. My passion for working with businesses and organizations to market, engage and succeed has never been higher.
While I bring experience and leadership to the team, I am equally excited to learn as much as I teach and share. It’s why I love this profession; I learn and develop every day.
I also have to thank the numerous industry and social media connections I have formed. If you are reading this, you have definitely contributed to my growth. Thank you.
I’m ecstatic to roll up my sleeves and get to work with the Spyder Trap crew starting January 10th, 2011 and create great things online. Let the fun begin.
FYI: You can also read this post on the Spyder Trap blog announcement.